Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Christmas Spirit
By Shelly Medina

What is this Christmas Spirit I have heard so much about?
Asks a stranger on the street to some people rushing about
It’s about finding the perfect gift for family, friends & tots
Replies a father in a panic to busy to stop & talk
No, No says a child, it’s about Christmas trees, presents & lights
It’s about Santa Clause, reindeer and all the elves hype
No, it’s about parties and functions says the mother with kids in tow
It’s about baking and cooking and hoping for Christmas snow

Occasionally the stranger would find the true spirit of Christmas
Like those who give of themselves by serving and feeding the homeless
They were charitable and joyful and required no special praise
They would give generously to others and accept only a thanks
But the stranger noticed that these people were few and far between
Most of the people he met were very stressed and sometimes mean

It’s unfortunate that this holiday season has become so involved
The true meaning is simple - good will & peace to all
So who was that stranger asking questions and walking around?
It was Jesus Christ our Savior, right here in our small town
How could we be to busy to not recognize Christ our Lord?
Yet we pass by him everyday on the way to the local store
He’s on the street corner, hungry and in need of a home
She’s the elderly woman next door, who is living completely alone
He’s the drug addict in prison, trying to turn his life around
She the child in the hospital, her parents praying for a medical rebound
Christ tells us in Matthew 25, an important message for you and me
Whatever you did for the least of these brothers, you indeed did for me
When I was hungry you fed me and gave me a place to sleep
I was lonely and in need of a friend and those memories I’ll always keep

Christ is rarely mentioned while shopping, for that perfect gift
And it’s unfortunate that when we give, all the credit goes to St. Nick
Christ lived his life unselfishly and modeled true and perfect love
He taught that we should be thankful and give all praise to God above

Next year we will attempt to reclaim Christmas and follow Christ’s example
We will not purchase gifts that are unnecessary and run ourselves frazzled
We will donate our Christmas money to a charity that supports a good cause
We don’t want to continue a tradition that gives to others “just because”
We want to simplify the holiday season and rediscover the true spirit of giving
And free up time to reflect about what the Christmas season really means
To us it’s about Jesus birth and being thankful for all we’ve been given
We need to become less commercial, give to charity and show compassion
We were built for silence and solitude that’s what each of us are craving
So next year let’s make it simple and just be thankful for our many blessings