Sunday, November 02, 2008

9th Grade Conference Champions

AJ's team accomplished a perfect season and won the 9th Grade Conference Championship against Lone Peak. Click on the photo above to view it bigger. AJ is on the front row, sixth in from the right. Below are some video clips from AJ's last game...

Clip #1 - Winning touchdown
Clip #2 - After Game Celebration
Clip #3 - AJ first through the banner

Saturday, November 01, 2008


This year for halloween we all kind of went our seperate ways. AJ had plans with his friends and Mike went trick-or-treating. Adam & I stayed home. I procrastinated carving the pumpkins so I did that while the kids were out. After carving the pumpkins I decided to torture the animals by making them dress up for halloween and then endure a photo shoot. It took me back to my childhood when me & my sisters used to dress up our cocker spaniel, Sausha, into our cabbage patch doll clothes. She was such a good sport and very patient with us. Stan wasnt very happy with me but the other two cooperated just fine.