Schools out! our first week of summer...
Its hard to believe that school has only been out 1 week. Our summer has already been jam packed with activities.
Moab - White Rim Trail...
School got out of Friday, Ma y 30th and the next morning we woke up early and drove 3 hours to Moab. We had a campsite reserved several months in advance and had been looking forward to our first off road Jeep'n experience in Moab. As many of you know, we have had an unusually wet, cold and windy spring but we were very fourtunate to have perfect weather the entire trip. The pictures posted here dont do the actual landscape justice. You literally drive within feet of massive canyons that drop of thousands of feet below. Being the whimp that I am, there were a few scary spots that I dont really like to think about but the beauty and the amazment of what we got to see was well worth it by far! Our campsite was literally on top of the world and we could see for hundereds of miles it seemed. It was definatly a trip worth taking and am glad we had the opportunity to go!
Michael - Clear Creek Camp
The day after we got bac k from Moab, Michael left for 5 days to Clear Creek which is located in Scofield, Utah which is about 3 hours from home and an elevation of 8,400 feet! There were about 100 kids from all over Utah County that went. He had a great time and met lot of new kids. His favorite part of camp was on the ropes course where they had to do a team building excercise and were not allowed to talk at all. They had to make sure everyone crossed the rope to the other side without talking to each other. Michael was one of the tallest kids so he helped grab the rope for everyone. He met a kid whose nickname was "Scooby" and they became good friends while down there. Scooby nicknamed Mike "
Lightning". Scooby and Mike shared the same cabin together and Scooby was voted Mr. Clear Creek. Due to our crazy spring weather, one morning it snowed on them and they had to spend most of their day inside due to cold and wet weather but they had fun anyway. While inside avoiding the bad weather, they showed the kids funny commercials and video clips which Mike really enjoyed. His favorite funny commercial was called the "ipod flea". He found the link when he got home and wanted to share it with everyone. Here it is...
AJ started early morning football practices last week from 5:45am-8am! He is getting into shape quickly and is already starting to lose his winter weight.
AJ learned what payback means the hard way. About a month ago AJ and a friend toilet papered a kids house who had just moved into the neighborhood. AJ spent one morning picking up toilet paper, forks & spoons off our wonderfully decorated house, trees, bushed and lawn. Payback is so sweet, especially when its your kids!