When is Summer going to get here!The past few weekends we have refused to let the cold, wet weather ruin our weekends so we have packed everything up and headed to our favorite summer hideout - the canyon. We build a fire and hide under the canopy. We play cards and listen to music and just enjoy being away from home and all responsibilities in general.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Leaving 6th & 9th grade behind and looking forward to the first year of Jr. High & High School
Both kids will be attending a new school next year which means a lot of new experiences for both kids. Honestly I am glad to leave the elementary years behind. Mike is excited to start his first year of Jr. High and AJ entering is first year of High School.
AJOne of the highlights of AJ's last month of Jr High was his final project for his Teen Living Class. He had to be a daddy for a weekend and care for a simulated baby. He named him Buster Zane Medina. The baby was on a pre-programmed timer that would require him to feed, burp and change its diaper at all hours of the day. It was very entertaining to watch him care for this baby. Buster went to the movies with us and an indoor football arena game.
I don't know if the baby was sensitive to all the noise but during the football game AJ had to leave every 10 minutes or so to tend to the babies needs. When we left at half time, we found AJ out on the front lawn with the baby. He got so fed up with having to leave when the baby cried that he decided to just go outside. Just like a real parent he didnt get nights off either, he would wake up the next morning so tired.
Here is a picture of a note he left us to read before we left for work. He was unable to leave the baby unattended so he wanted to make sure we were available to watch the baby before we left for work so he could take a shower before school.
MikeMike celebrated his last month of Elementary School and along with it, his last recess, enjoying being the tallest kid in school, last dance festival and last field day. He also had the honor as a 6th grader to participate in the traditional end of year softball game aginst the teachers and staff.
As a parent I will have no more spelling lists, reading charts or get to attend school plays & Christmas programs.