Glad October is over!
October was a whirlwind of a month and I am glad to say goodbye to it.
Our month started out with pressurized irrigation troubles. Basically it involved a lot of digging, then a lot of mud, then a lot more digging in the mud and last but not least a lot of praying. At one point we thought that our main water line was possibly broke (which is where the praying came in) but luckily it was just the stop and waste valve that had gone bad. Regardless, it was a lot of work and a huge mess. I know this is a month to late but I want to shout out a huge thanks to Lee for all his help with that project, it was back breaking work and he helped us out a ton! Thanks Lee!
Remodeling Project
Over fall break we decided that while we went to Vegas, Adam's buddy could take advandtage of us not being home to begin remodeling our downstairs bathroom and finish our laundry room. When we got back it was about half way done so we endured another week with our house in disorder while they finished up. Neither Adam or I do well with dis-order so living with things not in their proper place required a lot of patience. When they finally finished, we couldn't get our house back in order quick enough. We purchased and hung the cabinets and then began the process of sorting through all our junk and putting things where they should go. So three weeks later I am pleased to announce that our remodeling project is about 95% complete. We just need to decided on a floor for the laundry room and paint the ceiling & floor boards in the bathroom. The window in the bathroom is being installed as I speak. We can now breathe a sigh of relief that our house is now back to normal and everything turned out better than expected. Here are some before and after pictures...