Sunday, January 03, 2010

Top 10 things that happened in the Medina household in 2009

1. The kids went on their first cruise to Mexico with us in February

2. AJ got his learners permit and has been practicing his driving all year

3. We purchased a second Jeep for AJ to fix up and invest his money in

4. Mike said goodbye to elementary school and started his first year of Jr. High

5. AJ survived his last year of Jr. High and started his first year of High School. He played football for the 10th grade high school team.

6. Mike's football team accomplished an undefeated season and were named the Champions for the Utah County region

7. Shelly started a quilting class with her mom & sister Kindra and is enjoying learning how to do something new

8. Adam has taken an interest in photography and purchased a new camera

9. We remodeled our downstairs bathroom and laundry room. We love our new tub and kitchenette!

10. And last but not least we are still employed, healthy and grateful for everything we have been blessed with this past year.