5K Run
AJ ran his first 5k race last Saturday as a part of his football conditioning. He ran it in 37 minutes - pretty good for a lineman! He is proud to say that he has not missed one practice since workouts began the first week of summer. He is very dedicated and has a lot of heart. Right now he is fighting for 1st string defensive tackle position. They have been doing two-a-days all week from 7-9am and then again from 5-7pm in preparation for their first game which is August 28th at 7pm. Needless to say, he cant seem to get enough sleep or enough to eat! AJ will be wearing #69 this season.
Michael is also doing extremely well. He practices 5 days a week from 6-8pm each night. He loves going to practice and just weighed in at 125lbs! He is the biggest kid on the team and will be following his older brother by playing a defensive tackle position. Today, instead of his traditional football workout they hiked up to the "Y". Michael will be wearing #56 this season.
We are still awaiting schedules for both kids. As soon as we get those schedules we will post them on the "Calendar of Events" link located on the right side of this blog. This will hopefully be an easy way to communicate eveything that will be going on during this busy fall season!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
A peek into some of my conversations with the boys...
Conversation #1
AJ calls: "Mom, dad says that we can walk to the bowling alley"
Mom: "OK, be careful and watch for cars"
Mike calls: "Can I go with AJ?"
Mom: "Ok, but dont be annoying and cause problems. Oh and make sure you watch for cars"
30 minutes later...
AJ calls: "Mom, I think we are lost"
Mom: (Laugh) "Where are you at, do you recognize any buildings or anything?"
AJ: "We are sitting on the lawn of a church"
Mom: "Thats really helpful considering that there is a church on every corner in American Fork"
Mom: "Go the corner and tell me what the address is"
AJ: "Mike! Hurry and run down to that corner and tell me what the sign says"
Mike: (in the background) "No, you do it!"
(I found out later that night that Adam never told them they could walk to the bowling alley in the first place)
Conversation #2
Mom: "AJ, I made some spagetti so hurry and eat before you go to practice"
AJ: (after filling up his plate he said very seriously) "Are you going to make more for everyone else?"
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Football Season is officially upon us. Last week Mike had tryouts for the 6th grade football team. He did incredibly well and exceeded our expectations. We have always known that Mike had the agressivness for football but up until now he has been kind of timid on the field. I believe the timing is good to have him move away from flag football to tackle football this year. He is one of the tallest kids on the team and will most likely play Defensive Tackle. We charted his heighth the other day and he has officially passed me up as far a heighth goes! He is also taller than AJ was at his age which he feels is quite the accomplishment.
Beginning tomorrow, Mike will start his first week of football practice. Both him & AJ will be practicing 2 hours a day, 5 days a week until school starts. As soon as we get game schedules we will make sure to pass them along to everyone. We are trying to prepare ourselves for a very busy fall.