What's a man cave?
man cave n. A dedicated area of a house, such as a basement, workshop, or garage, where a man can be alone or socialize with his friends.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Adam was forced to watch his prized Utes on a T.V. anything smaller than smaller than a 60" screen? Well, ask Keith's T.V. Repair what happens when someone messes with Adam's "Man's Cave" during football season. Needless to say, we now have our big screen T.V. back just in time for the Ute game this Saturday. Wow, that was a close one!
1 comment:
I am happy that your man has his cave in tact! Wouldn't want a grumpy cave man!
There is nothing in our house even close to a man cave...too many females! Unless you count Richard's 13" TV for all of his gaming systems!
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