Thursday, April 24, 2008


For Spring Break AJ & Mike went to Disneyland with their grandparents. They had a lot of fun and the only catch was that both kids had to write a report about their trip for Grandma & Grandpa when they got home. To make this activity fun we all put our minds together and came up with the ABC's of their Disneyland trip....

A - Annaheim, California
B - Bad Food
C - Castle & California Adventure
D - Donald Duck
E - Eeyore (yes this is how its spelled. I googled it to make sure)
F - Fudge
G - Goofy, Golden Zephyr (another google spell check)
H - Hotel within walking distance
I - Indiana Jones
J - Jet Blue & Jungle Cruise
K - Ketsup (AJ got to much ketsup at McDonalds?)
L - Lots of laughs
M - Mickey Mouse, Matterhorn, Maliboomer
N - No School! & No room on the 6am flight
O - Orchards - Flew over orchards on the Soaring California Ride
P - Pluto & Parades
Q - Question? Was the perfect blue sky in toon town real or painted?
R - River Rapids
S - Splash Mountain, Space Mountain & Sreamin' California
T - Tea Cups, Tower of Terror & Tinkerbell
U - Up, Up & Away... Maliboomer
V - Very Crowded (It must have been crowded because nobody was in Utah the whole week)
W - Wet - Grandma got soaking wet on Splash Mountain
X - Xtremly Fun - Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!
Y - Yikes! Tower of Terror
Z - Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Ay, My oh my, What a wonderful day - Splash Mountain. (another google spelling search)

Special thanks to google for help with my spelling issues!

1 comment:

Alison Day said...

I want to go to disneyland! It sounds like you boys had fun! I want to know what "bad food" is about. I assume there are many stories/inside jokes behind some your ABC's. Maybe one of these year, the cousins can go to disneyland together (Jax would have SO much fun with you guys!). Okay, so I LOVE LOVE LOVE that new picture of you guys, Shelly and Adam, on your side bar! Was that taken on your cruise? I love your shirt and Adam looks way sharp in that suit! What a handsome couple you are! Love the post!