Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my 33rd birthday! As much as I complain about my job (escpecially as the dreaded summer months approach) I really can't complain. I work with so many wonderful people and they always go out of their way to make me feel loved & appreciated. This morning I entered my office to find balloons, streamers, candy, toys and personalized signs wishing me a happy birthday! I want to publicly thank Brittany & Sarah for everything they do, you make me smile and I love you dearly!


Alison Day said...

You DO have a great job! I WANT YOUR JOB! It is perfect for being a mother, it is close to home, and as you said, you work with GOOD people. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (late) the 16th ended up being a haphazard day for me (to say the least), I'm sorry I didn't call! Hopefully you got your gift/card! I love the new posts!

The Egan/Phipps Family said...

Happy birthday Shelly, sorry it's belated. The updates are great, you are so creative. Looks like the boys had fun on their trip. I hope you and Adam enjoyed the cruise. Life is so busy, hope to see you and your family soon.