RoadHome Charity Project
Last Monday we woke up early and loaded up our truck, trailer and back seat with all the donations we had been purchasing and collecting all year and headed to Salt Lake to drop them off
at the RoadHome.
We left the house before 9:00am and the snow was just barely starting to fly. We made it to the RoadHome easily but on our way back we hit a major storm system!
It took us quite a while to get back home then we
We were able to donate over $700 in sleeping bags, numerous hygiene products, clothes, coats, socks, blankets makeup & diapers. F.Y.I. The Radio-thon raised over $633,000 for the RoadHome this year. A huge thanks to everyone who helped purchased and collect items for this very worthy cause. We are looking forward to doing it again next year!
(for more information about the RoadHome you can visit their website at
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