Thursday, April 01, 2010

Chapter 3...

This past couple months I have found my thoughts wandering, reflecting back to my kids younger years. This year AJ truned 16 and Mike turned 13... I keep asking myself, where did the time go? If my life were a book I feel like I would be turning the page to the beginning of Chapter 3.

Chapter 1 - My childhood & high school years
Chapter 2 - Stuggling with learning who I am and attempting to be perfect, raising children, tying to find a good balance between being a mom, wife and working a full time job
Chapter 3 - Marriage is good and is on auto-pilot, I have learned to get my strength from the Lord and not from myself, I have learned that attempting to be perfect was a huge stumbling block in my walk with the lord, and the big one....raising teenagers

In April I will turn 35. Adam & I have been married for 17 years and by now we have a pretty good routine down. We know each others strengths and weaknesses and have learned to appreciate and overlook both when necessary. We know how to set goals and problem solve with fewer arguments. Life is comfortable and a little easier in most aspects. As a parent, new challenges present themselves with teenagers. On one hand we all have gained a new level of independence. The "rope" gets a little bit longer and boundaries get a little bit wider. As a mother, my worries have changed. Instead of worrying that they wont have anyone to play with at recess, I now worry that they wont choose the right type of friends. Instead of worrying about them falling off their bike, I worry about them driving and making poor choices (life altering choices). I find myself relying on prayer more now than I ever have before. We live in a very dangerous world and our kids can easily fall victim to it. Drugs, alcohol and other addictions are devastating our youth. Knowing that your child is driving on roads filled with people distracted by cell phones, texting and other gadgets is a terrifying thought. The world is not as simple as it was 20 years ago and we have to be much more aware and on guard. As kids get older, consequenses can be devestating and life altering. Responsibility becomes greater and mistakes are not as easy to correct compared to the mistakes made when they were younger. I look forward to the years to come. Our family will dirastically change over the next 10 years. Just like their first years of life, we can look forward to lots of "firsts". First car, first date, first dance, first job, first paycheck and first heartbreak. Just this month, AJ has already had many firsts.... some good, some not so good. First job, first paycheck, first parking ticket, first fender bender, first checking account, first budget, first time saying "wow, gas is expensive!". During the past two months Mike has also had many firsts. First broken bone, first physical therapy session. Mike is speading his wings and tried our for the Jr. High track team. At first he just wanted to participate just to get in shape for football season but his times qualified him to run the 400 meter (1 lap around the track). He also ran the 400 relay and the 100 relay. He is doing well and enjoying it. He is very self motivated and is already expressing concern about getting out of shape during spring break.

All in all life is good... It is very hectic and sometimes stressful but we are very blessed and thankful for all we have.


Marianne said...

You have stated nothing but the truth! My four girls are raised and doing very well. Now we are in disbelief the our son is nearly 15!! There are just three of us at dinner most nights and it is strange, but a very new reality!

Life for a mom and dad is nothing if not full of change!

Mike Nielsen said...

Aren't these different stages of life exciting. You are in the chapter which will cause the most anxious moments, yet the most rewarding, as you watch A.J. and Mike grow into individuals you have had a hand in shaping. Many more rewarding chapter to come! DAD...