Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Yup! Were going on another cruise in February (this time with the kids)! We were able to get an amazing last minute deal that we couldnt pass up. We will drive to San Diego on February 6th and be back home around February 14th. The cruise goes to Cabo San Lucas and Encinada. FYI... the weather in Cabo today is sunny and 80 degrees! Today in Utah the high will be 36 degrees with a chance of snow on Monday - we are out of here!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

RoadHome Charity Project

Last Monday we woke up early and loaded up our truck, trailer and back seat with all the donations we had been purchasing and collecting all year and headed to Salt Lake to drop them off
at the RoadHome.

We left the house before 9:00am and the snow was just barely starting to fly. We made it to the RoadHome easily but on our way back we hit a major storm system!

It took us quite a while to get back home then we
spent the rest of our day shoveling over a foot of snow and helping out several of our neighbors try to keep up with it all.

We were able to donate over $700 in sleeping bags, numerous hygiene products, clothes, coats, socks, blankets makeup & diapers. F.Y.I. The Radio-thon raised over $633,000 for the RoadHome this year. A huge thanks to everyone who helped purchased and collect items for this very worthy cause. We are looking forward to doing it again next year!

(for more information about the RoadHome you can visit their website at

Friday, December 19, 2008

My Blogging Hiatus is Over!

As some of you may have noticed, I have not updated my blog since Halloween. Thanks to a brand new (much needed) computer, I am now back in the blogging business!  To the right are some slide shows of the BYU and TCU games and below is a post from late fall that I have been meaning to post for several months now.


As most of you now know by now, later this summer I got Mono (a.k.a. Glandular Fever or Epstein Barr Virus).  The Doctors didn't know I had Mono until 3 months after my first symptoms appeared in early August.  Now almost 5 months later, I can say that I feel like my "old" self again.  There were times when I was not sure I would ever feel the same, so for me to say that I feel "normal" again is a huge victory!  There is something wonderful that happens after you recover from a trying illness.  Anyone who has experienced a prolong illness will know exactly what I am talking about.  It's called GRATITUDE.  I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for everything these days.  I have a new appreciation for so many things that almost everyone takes for granted such as our health, our families and our jobs.  It is said that Love and Gratitude are the two strongest emotions that someone can feel.  I truly believe that.  I have a new appreciation for people who live their lives in constant pain or health issues.  Every day I interact with people who live in constant pain.  Some have arthritis and others are battling cancer.  Many people endure surgery after surgery and live in constant pain.  Most of these people have jobs, families and hobbies and try to live their lives as much as normal despite their health problems.  I admire their strength and determination to not let their health issues determine their quality of life.  If I had to pick one thing that I am the most thankful for it would be the ability to think clearly and rationally.  I know that sounds like a strange thing to be thankful for but for nearly 3 months I was completely unable to concentrate or follow through with anything that required any amount of thought or concentration.  My brain did not work properly and my actions and emotions were greatly exaggerated and affected in a very negative way.  In all seriousness, I feel like I got a taste of what it's like to be mentally ill (unfortunately, my husband and kids can vouch for that because I was very irrational and crazy at times)  I want to publicly thank my husband and kids for putting up with me during my crazy moments.  I know they were very concerned at times and I am sorry that they had to put up with my very irrational behavior.  I now have a new appreciation for many things and am so thankful for my health and the ability to live my life to the fullest.   

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas 2008

Last year I had such a bad attitude about putting up my Christmas decorations up. I hated the fact that I would spend a bunch of time putting it up just to take it down a month later. In fact, my sisters and Mom took pity on me and snuck into my house and put up some decorations for me. This year, my wonderful husband and kids put the tree up for me while I was at a Christmas Dinner (which they know I hate doing). I saw the tree as I drove up into the driveway and it made me so happy! When I came into the house I started to go to Mike's bedroom to see if he was still awake and I heard a voice from the front room say "Mom, we are hiding" then out they came from behind the couch and tree.
Thanks boys! I love you! I have enjoyed the Christmas seaon this year, I have so much to be thankful for. I have enjoyed reflecting back to my childhood and when my kids were little. I love thinking about the memories and stories behind each ornament and decoration that fills our house. We have kept things simple this year and have been looking forward to taking our sleeping bags and other items to the Road Home on Monday (see Adam's Rants & Ramblings about more on that).
Here are some pictures of the boys boxing up some of the items. I will post more pictures soon as we load everything up and take our stuff to Salt Lake.

Here are some pictures of my favorite ornaments.
AJ & Mike's Kindergarten photos - aren't they cute!

The X-Mas 1993 ornament I made our first Christmas together and I was also pregnant with AJ at the time. It seems just like yesterday!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

9th Grade Conference Champions

AJ's team accomplished a perfect season and won the 9th Grade Conference Championship against Lone Peak. Click on the photo above to view it bigger. AJ is on the front row, sixth in from the right. Below are some video clips from AJ's last game...

Clip #1 - Winning touchdown
Clip #2 - After Game Celebration
Clip #3 - AJ first through the banner

Saturday, November 01, 2008


This year for halloween we all kind of went our seperate ways. AJ had plans with his friends and Mike went trick-or-treating. Adam & I stayed home. I procrastinated carving the pumpkins so I did that while the kids were out. After carving the pumpkins I decided to torture the animals by making them dress up for halloween and then endure a photo shoot. It took me back to my childhood when me & my sisters used to dress up our cocker spaniel, Sausha, into our cabbage patch doll clothes. She was such a good sport and very patient with us. Stan wasnt very happy with me but the other two cooperated just fine.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Well, football season is finally coming to a close. Both of the boys did very well this season. Michaels last game ended in double overtime but unfortunately they lost by 1 point which disqualifed them from the playoffs. AJ's team accomplished a perfect season and so far they have won their first two playoff games which advances them to the championship game next week. I know the kids will have mixed feelings about no more football but personally, I will not miss having to run kids back & forth to practice everyday and am looking forward to being able to make & serve dinner to everyone all at thesame time rather than reheating dinner three different times every night. I found this article on the internet which expresses my exact feelings about the life lessons that can be learned from participating in football(or any team sport for that matter). Lessons such as perseverance, commitment, responsibility and learning that "life isn't fair" can all be effectively taught by participating in team sports.

Here is a clip from that article...

"That's not fair!", is one of the most common statements repeated continually by young people today. Well, it's time our young men learned that life isn't fair. You will get knocked down, people will cheat and the call will not always go your way. But, you must get up and get back into the game or lose. If you stay down, you can't win.Young men need to learn that being the best means preparing, persevering, and practicing whether you want to or not. They need to understand that things will be difficult at times; there will be trials and tribulations. It's all part of life. But quitting is not an option. Our young men need to regain a sense of responsibility, loyalty and commitment. The most important of these being commitment. Imagine the change in our world, if young men kept their commitments not because a court told them to do it, but because they believed it was the right thing to do.

This season has been challenging, exciting, frustrating, demanding and sometimes not fair but unfortunalty the saying "life is'nt fair" is a reality in life. I believe that it's a lesson better learned at an early age rather than later in life. I just want to express to both AJ & Mike that we are extremly proud of both of them regardless of the amount of playing time they got on the field. Good job boys - we are very proud of you!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Valentines Day in September???

This morning I opened up my office to find it decorated to the max with balloons, steamers, banners and notes! My desk girls are so cute! It's been "bubble week" and I'm sure decorating my office was funner than cleaning so I cant say I blame them.
My favorite gift was the drawing
that Rachel drew for me.
Notice the photos on the wall that she drew of my cat & dog and Me & Adam. Thanks a ton Rachel, your very talented! Michaun bought me flowers and Brittany gave me some "Loose"berry Jam - Yum, Yum. And I cant forget to mention the personalized notes from all the girls plastered all over my door! Thanks a ton everyone, I dont deserve your kindness! Now get back to work!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Football, Football & more Football!

Right now our lives completly revolve around football. The kids have practices 3-5 times a week (both at differnt fields and different times), we attend games 2 times a week, plus we plan our our weekends around all U of U & Patriots games. Both the boys are both doing very well.

AJ's team has played 3 games, winning all of them thus far. Last week their victory was 60-0 over Timpanogos -needless to say, AJ got a lot of playing time that game. He is still proud to say that he has still not missed, been late or left early from one practice since practices started in May! He is very dedicated and hopefully his hard work will pay off soon! It's been fun to watch his team play on the high school football fields this year. There is something about playing under the big lights and having each game announced. Another bonus is that the scoreboards work so we always know how much time is left in each quarter and what the score is. It adds a whole new dimension to the game, it's been very exciting to watch each game even if AJ doesnt get much playing time some games.

Mike has played 2 games thus far and they have won 1. He still continues to suprise us with his natural abilities at this game. He is a great asset to his team and it's not unusual for them the use him on offensive line, defensive line and special teams all in the same game. Mike is also proud to say that he has not missed, been late or left early from any of his practices either. His coaches are really positive and seem to keep it fun and enjoyable for the kids which is hard to find these days in competitive leagues.

Here are some short video clips of the boys. The first clip is Michael (wearing red #56 ). At the end of the play he is on the left hand side of the frame. The second clip is one of AJ (wearing red #69) he is in the center of the screen sacking the quarter back. AJ's clip is washed out so unfortunatly you cant see it very clearly. To help you find him, he is the one that hits his chest at the very end of the play with the black socks.

Good job boys, keep up the hard work!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Biking to Shaker Heights, Ohio

OK - this might sound cheesy but its keeping us motivated to exercise each morning. First some background info... At the beginning of this summer, Adam & I bought some road bikes and would bike for 45 minutes every morning before work. Our motto was "5 miles before 5am". It might sound like torture, but it actually wasn't that bad. The air was nice & cool, the streets were very quite and everything is very peaceful that early in the morning (although barking dogs and hissing sprinklers can be quite un-nerving that early in the morning). Anyway, a couple weeks ago we purchased some indoor bikes so we could continue our biking routine without fearing death or injury. If you have traveled the roads of American Fork lately, you'll know what I mean. Every road is torn up and under construction for the pressurized irrigation project. (I have a feeling it will soon be the subject of "things that annoy me" on Adam's blog - just wait and see.) If you ask me, falling into a trench at 4:30 in the morning would not be a good way to start the day. Adam has admitted that there are some mornings that he sleeps through most of the route so there was a very good possibility that I could have been missing for hours before he ever noticed that I was gone. Well, enough on that... Anyway, one day I was curious about how many miles it was from our house to Ali & Kolby's. In case you are wondering, it is 1,763 miles. It gave me the idea that we should set a goal to "bike" to Ali & Kolby's house. So I made a chart and every morning we log our miles and track our progress to Shaker Heights, Ohio. Right now we are averaging about 17 miles a day combined. As soon as I get my "heart condition" figured out, I should be able to contribute more but until then, Adam has to work out extra hard to compensate for my minimal contributions. So far we have logged 168 miles... only 1,595 miles to go! Our goal is to bike all 1,763 by the end of the year. In order to achieve that, we are going to have to step up our game! Look out Ali & Kolby - here we come slowly but surely.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

5K Run

AJ ran his first 5k race last Saturday as a part of his football conditioning. He ran it in 37 minutes - pretty good for a lineman! He is proud to say that he has not missed one practice since workouts began the first week of summer. He is very dedicated and has a lot of heart. Right now he is fighting for 1st string defensive tackle position. They have been doing two-a-days all week from 7-9am and then again from 5-7pm in preparation for their first game which is August 28th at 7pm. Needless to say, he cant seem to get enough sleep or enough to eat! AJ will be wearing #69 this season.

Michael is also doing extremely well. He practices 5 days a week from 6-8pm each night. He loves going to practice and just weighed in at 125lbs! He is the biggest kid on the team and will be following his older brother by playing a defensive tackle position. Today, instead of his traditional football workout they hiked up to the "Y". Michael will be wearing #56 this season.

We are still awaiting schedules for both kids. As soon as we get those schedules we will post them on the "Calendar of Events" link located on the right side of this blog. This will hopefully be an easy way to communicate eveything that will be going on during this busy fall season!

Special thanks to everyone who has helped AJ meet his fundraising quotas this year. Apparently this is just a taste of what to expect next year as he enters the high school program (just a warning in advance). We are grateful to have such supportive family members who never hesitate to pitch in when needed.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A peek into some of my conversations with the boys...

Conversation #1
AJ calls: "Mom, dad says that we can walk to the bowling alley"
Mom: "OK, be careful and watch for cars"
Mike calls: "Can I go with AJ?"
Mom: "Ok, but dont be annoying and cause problems. Oh and make sure you watch for cars"

30 minutes later...
AJ calls: "Mom, I think we are lost"
Mom: (Laugh) "Where are you at, do you recognize any buildings or anything?"
AJ: "We are sitting on the lawn of a church"
Mom: "Thats really helpful considering that there is a church on every corner in American Fork"
Mom: "Go the corner and tell me what the address is"
AJ: "Mike! Hurry and run down to that corner and tell me what the sign says"
Mike: (in the background) "No, you do it!"
(I found out later that night that Adam never told them they could walk to the bowling alley in the first place)

Conversation #2
Mom: "AJ, I made some spagetti so hurry and eat before you go to practice"
AJ: (after filling up his plate he said very seriously) "Are you going to make more for everyone else?"

Sunday, August 03, 2008

American Fork to Midway Trail...

This weekend we took a trail that connects American Fork Canyon to Midway. Here are some of the photos we took along the way. It was one of the most beutiful trials we have been on this summer. (See Adam's blog for more details and photos.)

Football Season is officially upon us.

Last week Mike had tryouts for the 6th grade football team. He did incredibly well and exceeded our expectations. We have always known that Mike had the agressivness for football but up until now he has been kind of timid on the field. I believe the timing is good to have him move away from flag football to tackle football this year. He is one of the tallest kids on the team and will most likely play Defensive Tackle. We charted his heighth the other day and he has officially passed me up as far a heighth goes! He is also taller than AJ was at his age which he feels is quite the accomplishment.
Beginning tomorrow, Mike will start his first week of football practice. Both him & AJ will be practicing 2 hours a day, 5 days a week until school starts. As soon as we get game schedules we will make sure to pass them along to everyone. We are trying to prepare ourselves for a very busy fall.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Work Hard.... Play Hard!

July 2008 Vacation: Yard Work, Bear Lake, More Yard Work & Moab

We all had the week of July 4-12th off and it seemed that we filled every second of it with something. For some reason we got the crazy idea that we should tear out all the rail road ties in our front park strip. So on Monday Adam, AJ & Mike (along with our wonderful neighbors) lifted and pulled about 15 ties and then helped the neighbors load them all in their trailers to take their houses. On Tuesday we left for Bear Lake. We enjoyed the ride up and took our time. When we got their we just relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the cool weather. That night we went into town and ate pizza, had shakes and then enjoyed the resorts swim pool. It was a quick trip but it reminded us how much we miss the summer tradition of going there each summer. On Wednesday we left before checkout and enjoyed the ride back home. Our entire day after that was consumed with the park strip project. We made 2-3 trips to Springville to get dirt & rocks. It was hard work and we were all very tired at the end of the day. I cant believe how much we were able accomplish! On Friday we left early for Moab. The highlights of that trip were shopping in downtown Moab, exploring some new trails, and a night boat ride down the Colorado River.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Schools out! our first week of summer...

Its hard to believe that school has only been out 1 week. Our summer has already been jam packed with activities.

Moab - White Rim Trail...

School got out of Friday, Ma y 30th and the next morning we woke up early and drove 3 hours to Moab. We had a campsite reserved several months in advance and had been looking forward to our first off road Jeep'n experience in Moab. As many of you know, we have had an unusually wet, cold and windy spring but we were very fourtunate to have perfect weather the entire trip. The pictures posted here dont do the actual landscape justice. You literally drive within feet of massive canyons that drop of thousands of feet below. Being the whimp that I am, there were a few scary spots that I dont really like to think about but the beauty and the amazment of what we got to see was well worth it by far! Our campsite was literally on top of the world and we could see for hundereds of miles it seemed. It was definatly a trip worth taking and am glad we had the opportunity to go!

Michael - Clear Creek Camp

The day after we got bac k from Moab, Michael left for 5 days to Clear Creek which is located in Scofield, Utah which is about 3 hours from home and an elevation of 8,400 feet! There were about 100 kids from all over Utah County that went. He had a great time and met lot of new kids. His favorite part of camp was on the ropes course where they had to do a team building excercise and were not allowed to talk at all. They had to make sure everyone crossed the rope to the other side without talking to each other. Michael was one of the tallest kids so he helped grab the rope for everyone. He met a kid whose nickname was "Scooby" and they became good friends while down there. Scooby nicknamed Mike "Lightning". Scooby and Mike shared the same cabin together and Scooby was voted Mr. Clear Creek. Due to our crazy spring weather, one morning it snowed on them and they had to spend most of their day inside due to cold and wet weather but they had fun anyway. While inside avoiding the bad weather, they showed the kids funny commercials and video clips which Mike really enjoyed. His favorite funny commercial was called the "ipod flea". He found the link when he got home and wanted to share it with everyone. Here it is...


AJ started early morning football practices last week from 5:45am-8am! He is getting into shape quickly and is already starting to lose his winter weight.

AJ learned what payback means the hard way. About a month ago AJ and a friend toilet papered a kids house who had just moved into the neighborhood. AJ spent one morning picking up toilet paper, forks & spoons off our wonderfully decorated house, trees, bushed and lawn. Payback is so sweet, especially when its your kids!

Friday, May 09, 2008

AJ made the "A" team!

Yesteday, AJ & 72 other boys completed tryouts for the 9th grade football team. AJ was one of 37 boys to make the "A" team. Even more impresssive, he advanced from last years "B" team to this years "A" team. From what we can tell from the rosters, he and only two other boys were able to accomplish an advancment from the "B" team to the "A" team. We are very proud of him and he is very excited. Workouts begin on Monday and will continue all summer long. Some of the training includes weight training, a road trip to snow college, participating in a 5k run and a three week team camp with the AF high school football team. Congratulations AJ, we're proud of you!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Celebrating 15 years of marriage...

"A good marriage is not something your find, its something you work for. It takes stuggle. You must crucify your selfishness. You must at times confront and at other times confess. The practice of forgivness is essential." Quote from Sacred Marriage

"One of the best wedding gifts God gave you was a full length mirror called your spouse. Had there been a card attached, it would have said "Here's to helping you discover what you're really like!" Quote from Sacred Marriage

What we have learned...

15 years of marriage seems like the perfect time to reflect back on how much we have learned in the past 15 years together. I can't believe how fast 15 years has gone and how differently we view life now compared to 15 years ago. I would like to share a few things that we have learned along the way so far...

At a young age, Adam & I learned how to juggle full time jobs, marriage and being parents. We have learned (and are still learning) that blending different backgrounds, parenting styles, personalities and opinions is an often difficult process to master. Compromise, patience, forgivness and unconditional love is essential in all areas of parenting and marriage.

Being a parent has taught me that with each new phase that my kids enter, it seems like I have to relearn parenthood all over again. Kids are constantly changing and the techniques that worked great last month don't always work this month. I have learned that you have to be constantly learning and growing right along side your children. Getting ideas and advise from books has helped me immensly as both a parent and a wife over the years. I have learned that both Parenting & Marriage is an educational experience that you never get a diploma for. It's an education that will take a lifetime to accomplish and unfortunatly, trial & error is usually the only way to determine what works what does'nt. Sometimes I feel like we make more mistakes than we do progress but that's all part of the process that shapes and molds us into who we are and who we are becoming.

Adam & I have recently learned that our marriage is so much healthier & happier when rooted in a relationship with God. Prayer is an essential tool in marriage and is essential when raising children. Having an active realationship with our Savior has deepened our relationship with one another and has brought a peace into our home that only God can be given credit for. We have learned how to recognize and compensate for each others weaknesses and how to rely on each others strenghths. Although we have gone through difficult times, I would'nt trade them for anything. God has used each and every circumstance in our lives, both the good and the bad, to grow our faith. We have grown to trust Him and know that whatever our circumstances are, we can fully trust that God will use those circumstances to mature us and accomplish His plan for our lives.

Happy Anniversary Adam, I love you!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


For Spring Break AJ & Mike went to Disneyland with their grandparents. They had a lot of fun and the only catch was that both kids had to write a report about their trip for Grandma & Grandpa when they got home. To make this activity fun we all put our minds together and came up with the ABC's of their Disneyland trip....

A - Annaheim, California
B - Bad Food
C - Castle & California Adventure
D - Donald Duck
E - Eeyore (yes this is how its spelled. I googled it to make sure)
F - Fudge
G - Goofy, Golden Zephyr (another google spell check)
H - Hotel within walking distance
I - Indiana Jones
J - Jet Blue & Jungle Cruise
K - Ketsup (AJ got to much ketsup at McDonalds?)
L - Lots of laughs
M - Mickey Mouse, Matterhorn, Maliboomer
N - No School! & No room on the 6am flight
O - Orchards - Flew over orchards on the Soaring California Ride
P - Pluto & Parades
Q - Question? Was the perfect blue sky in toon town real or painted?
R - River Rapids
S - Splash Mountain, Space Mountain & Sreamin' California
T - Tea Cups, Tower of Terror & Tinkerbell
U - Up, Up & Away... Maliboomer
V - Very Crowded (It must have been crowded because nobody was in Utah the whole week)
W - Wet - Grandma got soaking wet on Splash Mountain
X - Xtremly Fun - Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!
Y - Yikes! Tower of Terror
Z - Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Ay, My oh my, What a wonderful day - Splash Mountain. (another google spelling search)

Special thanks to google for help with my spelling issues!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


C- CARS, ON #25 (F-150) AND #26 (JEEP) AS WE SPEAK

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cat & Dog Diary...

I recently got this email "Cat & Dog Diary". I thought it described Rambo & Stanley so perfectly. I edidted it slightly just to personalize it. I thought it would be fun to share since they are a part of the family too...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


8:00am -Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am – A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am – Playing with Stanley! My favorite thing!
10:30 am – Get rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm – Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm – Play in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm – Chase the mailman! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm – Treats! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm – Sleeping in my bed! My favorite thing!

Day 270 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the dog I are fed some sort of dry nuggets. I make my contempt for the dry nuggets perfectly clear, nevertheless I must eat them in order to maintain my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely make condescending comments about what a ‘good little hunter’ I am. There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of ‘allergies.’ I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow--but at the top of the stairs next time. The dog is showing obvious signs of abuse. I think the prolonged captivity and the shock treatments have finally got to him. His bizarre behavior is getting worse – he barks at all the service vehicles that enter our neighborhood and runs wildly throughout the house and yard. I think it is his attempt to draw attention to our captivity and abuse. Occasionally he snaps and runs through the electric fence that surrounds the perimeter of these prison grounds. He is obviously retarded because the captors always lure him back with an opportunity to ride the family car. The cat across the street has got to be the informant. I observe him communicating with the captors regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have been feeding him MY dry nuggets in attempt to keep him from starving to death, this must be stopped! I will attempt to impress & befriend him tomorrow by showing off my tree climbing skills.